Wednesday, January 21, 2009


There is an interesting phenomena happening this winter, and I know that I am not the only one who has taken note of it. My friend Jacki also touched upon it in her own blog:

Canadians are no longer weather savvy!

Or at the very least, certain Canadians are not. For the past week and a half, we have had temperatures of -20 to -30 degrees celsius in Toronto. It's cold. So I wear two shirts and a sweater of some form, plus a thermal liner (on the very cold days - it's phenomenal), plus my three-in-one jacket, soccer socks, jeans, and my flat winter boots made for -30. Plus gloves, and my jacket hood is always pulled up (I don't have a hat). I probably look like a big red marshmallow, but I'm not feeling those 25km/hr winds.

And then I walk past the girl wearing boots with a three inch heel, a mini skirt or short dress, and what looks like the world's smallest winter jacket. She may be wearing some form of leggings with the skirt. She may or may not have gloves on - it's hard to tell because her hands are always in her pockets. And she's not wearing a hat half the time.

Or it could be the girl wearing skinny jea
ns and those worn in converse high tops, or some form of skater shoe. And she is also found in the world's smallest winter jacket, and often without appendage coverage.

So far I haven't noticed any guys who seem to have a blatant disregard for the weather, but that is not to say that they are not guilty. If my brother had his way, he would wear shorts all year round...but he lives at home, so he does not have his way. The thing about the males though is that it is nowhere near as centred on being fashionable and attractive. These women and girls think they look phenomenally hot as they manoeuvre their way through at least 5 inches of snow, tiptoeing through the slush with their hair blowing everywhere, shivering in epileptic proportions at every crosswalk or bus stop. It's obvious that they're freezing, and unless that's really thermal underwear you're sporting under that skirt, there's no way you're fooling me. Or anyone around you for that matter.

So here's a little newsflash for you ladies: They're not looking at you because you're beautiful, they're looking at you because you're stupid. Cover up!

Now I would never imagine pointing something out without being able to show what I mean. So I'm going to start taking pictures of these ladies with apparently abnormally high body temperatures. I'll even be sure to capture the guys who are committing the same faux-pas. It's going to take some ninja skills, but I am up for the task.

The image was retrieved from a google image search. Credit to colinbane, taken at the "Winter Fashion Show at The Meeting in Aspen":


  1. It's seriously all I think when I see these people.

    My mom and I drove past one the other day, and she only validated my sentiments.

  2. If anyone can pull of "sneaky ninja", it's most definitely you, Stephy! :)

    I'd understand it (slightly) more if it wasn't so bitingly bloody cold - you know, snowy but not freezing? But even then it would be at a push... ;-)

    What can I say? Shitdiots!

  3. Well thanks Danny!

    I know what you mean. I could let it slide if it were only -1 and there were flurries. But once you hit -10, you're just a big tool for dressing that way.

    LOL @ shitdiots!

  4. check out my new blog

    The blog on weather-retards is here:

  5. Oh my goodness, I totally agree with you! Have you also noticed that every storm is a huge deal in the media, no matter how much snow we're supposed to get? I saw on CP24 this morning "We want your pictures of Wednesday's storm" um, it's snow. We've all seen it before. Like that "Snowmageddon" we supposedly got in December. I'm pretty sure it snows like this every winter.

  6. I honestly don't understand why suddenly winter is such a big deal. This is what winter is like in Canada people...we tend to get snow, and plenty of it. I remember Wednesday night they were going on and on about how we were going to get 2cm on Thursday. 2cm...oh my goodness, relax. You won't even have to shovel your driveway for that!

    But hey, let's look on the bright side. Our media has time and space to gripe about winter rather than having to report on war, extreme poverty, and other hardships happening within our country. It's really another testament to how lucky we are over here that we don't have to deal with those things to the same extent as other nations. In that case, I'll take winter over-reporting any day.
