Friday, March 6, 2009

Fail and Update

I haven't posted anything in over a month. Wow. That is so fail.

Things have been so stressful and busy lately that I just haven't had the time to sit down and write. And I've had so many ideas! I definitely need to become more in-tune with this blogging business and post more regularly.

I figure to get the ball rolling I might as well make this an update of my chewing gum abstinence rather than just a "Wow-I-fail-at-blogging" post. Dare I say it, I'm succeeding? ...not quite.

Immediately after my dentist appointment, it actually was going well. I really took what he said to heart, and since I only had one pack of gum left and am poor I quickly finished off the pack so that I had no gum left to chew. That being said, I definitely chewed each piece for much longer than the recommended 5 minutes. Try 5 hours. When they say Stride gum is everlasting, they are not kidding my friends.

So I ran out, and had gone for two weeks without gum. I was sitting here on my computer when my brother walks in. He pulls from behind his back 10 packages of gum. TEN! He offers them all to me, saying I can take as many as I want.

I honestly felt like a recovering drug addict having a vial or crack rocks or something equally illicit dangled in front of my face. I took half of them. These are packs of gum I don't even like. Shortly after, I found a pack of Stride gum I had gotten for Christmas in my room. Awesome.

I will proudly report that I still have all of these packs of gum, a couple in various states of consumption. Do I only chew pieces for 5 minutes? Absolutely not. That is just a waste of good gum. But at least I'm not chewing multiple pieces of gum a least, not every day.

In summation, it's a work in progress. If someone from Stride wants to give me a PR job for the two mentions I gave you in this blog though, that'd be fantastic. I need the money.


  1. ah - nice big font that i can read :) excellent.

    thanks for taking the visually impaired into consideration. i see you have a second follower again - that's good lol wonder what happened to him before lol

    as for this Stride post - if they cut you a deal, tell me how you did it - i posted about the V8-Splash and V8-Fusion and holy hell, those things are great. they don't play - it's all fruit taste despite the 1 serving of vegetable

  2. I am always open to comments and suggestions on how this blog can be improved! It still pleases me with the larger font, so that's an accommodation I can easily make.

    I love V8-Fusion and V8-Splash! But only the V8-Fusion has both a full serving of vegetables AND fruit per glass. The Splash is only fruit juice.

    But they are both mighty tasty.
